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Stoughton February 21st 1936

Dear Folks,

Three very cold & sunny days in succession. it said over the radio that for a hundred years we had'nt seen such weather accompenied with disasters & fatalities it mentioned Virginia first Montana, Dakota, Colorado, & in others states. I dread looking in the papers, they are so full of it. say nothing about wars that are going on. my bundle came yesterday. I was here alone it was a handsome thing. Mrs Barry you showed remarkable taste in picking them out she admired that oriental drapery & so, did I we tried it on at once this morning to se its effects. the dress goods was very nice also pretty thanks for the same. hope you did not spend all your money on me. I never had so much attention from everyone before. they wanted to send me some cake from the [[?]] last night, but Mrs B said we have more than we could possibly eat now here. Marion Esten sent me greetings & so did Careta and always singing my praises. we are trying to feed the birds & are mad because the squirrels come & eat it up & drive the little birds away it makes me so mad everything is hungry too bad They say the Pheasants are so starved they come right up to civilization