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Stoughton February 19th 1986 

Dear Folks 

A sunnier day has been hard to find we have not seen the sunshine before since Saturday rain, sleet & snow has prevailed for three days, it was zero this morning. my house was comfortable, the kitchen fire was out the wind was such during the night I did not dare shake it down, but the heater kept us warm. but since ten this morning that stopped & it has been impossible to turn it on again, so I called up Sothrop to come up to fix it, she said around four O'clock she expected him & would send him up the sun being so bright we shall not suffer with our kitchen fire. hope he can fix it again. it will be a cold night again after this sun goes down. Early this morning I found Mrs. Barry had arranged a birth day card & a curtain at my place in the dining room the curtain was trimmed with yellow to match my room very neat & pretty then I got a birth day card from Mrs Galegher & then the Harringtons came he shoveled out the path & she brought me a card & birth day cake frosted & candles which made the 81 on top just that one figure, with flowers & the green branches of that pine, that my father set out back of the house. they