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Stoughton February 16th 1936

Dear Folks

This has been a warm cloudy day, two such in succession since our big storm was over. I have been sewing most of the day now will write the letter the baker took down our letters yesterday. our front door path being shoveled out. the other one was done later. I hope it wont have to be done again this season. it seems to be pay out money all the live long time & yet I try to save all the time. not a cent goes for pleasure thank God. its a hard winter, fuel seems awful to buy. my last coal has gone like tinder burnt out so quick & very poor so much waste, but I keep it over night. last night it burnt out, we layed abed till late. almost nine O'clock. I felt my mother was with me soothing me, all night. her presence has that effect always. heaven must be lonely, all might I felt that way & was conscious I had been there with my dear ones. it seems a good way to spend the night. Mrs Barry thinks Hazel was with her the other night. it answered to her description & if it were possible she would be. it was no one she had seen