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Stoughton February 10th 1936

Dear Folks
We are having another terrible snow storm. it started from the North East & is gaining much headway since noon. all the little birds are hovering around for food also the hungry squirrels you see every kind of food has been covered up by snow so long they are hungry little creatures. the first thing I did this morning was to throw out crumbs to them but it is so icy I dare not venture out. the snow is here & shines we have had very cold zero weather so long it seems good to have temperature in the 30's & this being so it may turn to rain.

Mrs Barry has gone to Hudson. she started about two O'clock with Laura Gebheart in her car. it was this way, she got a job for Laura's nephew, who had been out of work some little while. through a friend a PJ Sullivan an old sweetheart of hers, who had great influence in this business & through him got the job, so they are taking him there to start in work Monday morning. Mrs Barry has gone with them. he is a very nice & jolly man with money Alice is acquainted 

[[top margin]] I have just called up Ralph to find out how he was he says a little better he says that you have been having the worst snow storm & blizzard that has been there for years. the one that we escaped & it went out to sea. you had. our snow storm I guess is over. I have swept off our front porch & steps & now am waiting for Mrs Barry to come. she has just arrived so has Bill in his truck. his truck went by the house to turn around just as she got into the house. now they are eating their supper doughnuts & mince Pie his hand is well he will put the putty on those other windows soon. he is good. 
Ma [[/top margin]]