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Stoughton January 16th 1936

Dear Folks
We have had mild weather untill last night when it changed to a pouring rain with wind to a gale force all night. it cleared during the night then the moon shone out & to day is going to be cool, with the wind to the NWest. I was glad to get your Sunday letter yesterday. Madelines letter was interesting also. she was right about the Presidents speech I got sick of listening to him so went off to bed the old fool he and his wife are struck on themselves. her articles that she has in all the papers she gets $85.000 a year they are not worth reading. people make fun of them. she is terrible grasping. she has a mouth of a horse terrible teeth & her picture constantly in the papers. I was telling Mrs Barry about Elizabeth Dinsborough. I found she knew her, as her brother Bob & wife own a house down to Ipswich right opposite to where they were, so she was well acquainted with them & liked them very much. she is working still in the hospital. I suppose she must be along in years & a spinster still. June is poor from her mothers sickness & death all alone lucky to have her job that you got for her at the Peter Brent.