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she is almost used up herself doing so much extra work. the advertised in the paper + had twenty applicants + after she sees this woman, who is leaving a case to come here to see about this job, they will answer these other aplicants. you see he has been sick now some little time. no doubt it is very hard for her with all her other work to do. I know for I have had a taste of it. I hope when I have to pass on it will be a quick job. no wearing out of other people. I am writing this to send down by Mrs Barry, who is going to the mories after dinner. I had a good letter from Mary French + will send it along for you to read: she is lucky to be so well able to do as much, and get about as she does. we are still here, the last of our race. I wish I knew how Mamie Wales was, her hand writing on the X mas card showed me it was hard for her to sign her name. Addie Healey we never hear from these days. Mamie Kate is still in bed, she will go suddenly with the same heart trouble. we are watching by the river + waiting on on the shore, only waiting for the boatman to come to bear us o'er. my symptoms are not dangerous, but hope I am not destined to out live them all. I am finishing up with this letter to send in a hurry at the last minute. my other letter before this remained over a day so, you may not have got it this week a new man was on + he did not take it out of the door. Ma.