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were to furnish. in calling on Joe Capens wife, she ws to furnish the table decorations. she asked for who was at home & as I told her to find out all she could about Emily. he has sold the old house for $500 to a man who is going to fix it up & live there. he says it is not so bad inside & not musty so much air coming in from the broken glass kept it fresh. but down cellar there was butter that their mother laid down 25 years ago all mouldy & jars of preserves. he always liked Emily he said & he is doing the best he can for his her comfort, cleaned up the house, put in electric lights, cleaned out the chimney & kitchen stove, put in a new grate so she can run the stove, tried to get a woman to stay there, but failing in that, he pays the woman who lives in the brick tavern to carry in her meals to her all cooked, he found out she liked grapes so he got her some & the woman carried them in. she thinks this woman out the the goodness of her heart is doing this, when all the time its for & he dont want Emily to find it out. he is good as gold & Mrs. Barry told him he was one of a thousand & God would reward him & it would please me to know she was looked out for. and he says he went up to Emilys most every day & any time I wanted to go up to see her, he would take me up with him gladly. Ma. [[^I feel it was a good thing so Wiggins went first. no one liked him Emily was good.]]
dont spend your time & money on presents for me remember, your letter just come