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be safe to run. its a wonder we did not get blown up Lotheofc [[??]] told Mrs Barry. he said he trembled for our saifty [[safety]] but dared not tell us for fear of frightining [[frightening]] us if he did so but he said we were in great danger all the time.
the black clouds are going over and the wind is blowing cooler. I am beginning a braided rug out of the pieces you brought me. it seems good to have something to occupy my time & mind. she went to church for the first time in five Sundays. 
I saw by the Enterprise that Dallas Southworth had died very suddenly too bad for his mother. She sold her place & went to live with him after the daughter married that Greek they had trouble. Ella told me how hateful they were to her. she took good care of her mother she died & his husband (Frank) was an awful case. she is my age & hope she will be cared for. she is smart. I used to go to school with her & know her well. she was well liked, a good girl. I wonder if Bill will come & bring us an ice cream as usual.
I would not advise to have her tonsils removed. if there was no need of it. they function for something & it might prevent other diseases  far worse to the nerves of her face (such as Alice suffers from) she is a good healthy child, only terribly nervous, look out for her diet at night & her constipation. her tonsils are not diseased its a fad now a days to remove the tonsils use your common sense & dont worry so much. for theres no need as I can see.