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were not much good any way. & he had no folding easel. she is looking awful & was out of breath when she got here. I would not be surprised if she did not live the winter out. she says she has no one to look to for her folks are gone. that Mrs Smith who has been with her, is going night & day so I judge is not any company & she is in such a state that no one wants to be there with her long. its a pity we have to live after our home is broken up. I guess Maude bears up as well as most of folks & she takes no comfort. Mr Harrington brought us down some of his garden youn groth of rhubarb, kale & some other vegetable I cannot think the name of it tastes like turnip pink & white crisp radishes you eat it raw. we treated him to apple pie & cheese. she is going to ride in to Boston sometime over the road with him & come home by train. Careta is going to have an auction to sell off furniture & things there are three houses & Mrs Marden was one who save every little thing. she had a hundred dresses about forty shoes & the same amt of stockings also one hundred pairs of gloves. little bits of feet & hands. no one can wear them. the bulk of the fortune goes to Barbera but is left in such a way if she marries it cant be squandered. that houskeeper was left a thousand dollars & she stole much more but it couldn't be proved, so they decided it policy to drop it, before she come back on them. Caretas two brothers are lawyers. well its just begun to rain again. I guess it is cooler. I got a card from Mary French she is taking comfort at her time in life, go to it I say glad for her
