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band as follows--
Violin - Pah-ute indian
Flute - American
Guitar - Mexican
The dancers were more than half mexicans. A row of benches ranged along the two sides of the room & all the men sat on one side & the women on the other. Some of the young ladies chewed gum while dancing and taken as a whole it (the dance) was a great success. Saw two Audubon's Warblers in a willow by the river this morning and shot a grebe (sp?) close by camp in the evening.

Dec. 26
In camp all day packing specimens preparatory to breaking camp and going to Keeler en route to Panamint. Hurried out & set a few traps for Dipodomys along the road just at sunset.

Dec 27th
Broke camp about 10 am and started for Keeler. Found three large Dipodomys and one Dipodop in my