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traps along the road. The Dipodopo was taken month the Dipodemeys holes on the low valley extending along the East bank of [[Oerus?]] R. and was the lowest one of this speices taken by us at Lone Pine. 

Within a mile of Lone Pine R.R. station on this same sage brush flat I shot a [[Harposposhyuchus lecontei?]] When first seen it was running among the bushes and it skilled + ran with greatest rapidity so that it fairly escaped me without flying and while I stood looking about it suddenly ascended to the top of a tall [[grassewood?]] bush and began uttering a rather low piping call note. I had no trouble then in quitting it. I could not help noting how exactly like a [[Geocoeeyx?]] the actions of this bird were as it ran swiftly among the brush. Its tracks have been common everywhere in the sand about