Viewing page 57 of 77

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

Fri. July 31 -
[[Pirrus Munay?]]      }10000
High fir }on head

Several Rufous [[Humens?]] at
divide but [[me--ed?]] [[?]]
Alt 10200 ft at 10500 ft
Were stunted [[Prius?]] [[m?]]
garubals fund 9900 on [[m?]]
Icnims cala at 9800 [[m?]]
Spigaingouar 9800 [[m?]]
Chafod Calif 9500
Surall [[Chipm?]] 9400
Chngsodeins 9400
Juniper 9250
[[Wpper?]] [[?]] 9200
Piuris [[?]] 8650
Mauzainth 8750
[[Graizland?]] 8500
[[vertical line throughout the page]]

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

Antumera at 8500
Cauiked ate lolic 8200 ft afted
nemy nrglr day-
Sat jgue 1st
Spot Said Sandy 8200
Hel  luteScens
Myadeites 9200
Mt quail with muell ygf
9200 & 9250 in Menaflue
Canih at 9000 ft.
Mull salled 307 ft Syonn hill
vizry hom day & made one mile.

    Sunday   Aug. 2d
Inrs occupied g bark  jr
Poxaiupies au Frue when
hm careufed at 9000 ft
Shot 5 Nusced Chaparuehs
then Toaru vid lodytes

[[vertical line throughout the page]]

Transcription Notes:
Note to transcribers: "alt" most likely means "altitude" Most of this page is so faded that the words transcribed are probably not accurate at all.