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Indian remains at Tenchitlan

In the vicinity of this town are many old Indian graves which can be found by the small oval pile of stones heaped up over the spot. 3 to 4 ft. below the surface in such places are often found clay vessels, idols (often a number of varying size in a place) melates, stone cells, obsidian flakes or articles & human bones in a bad state of decay. Occasionally the places are without any deposit.
These burial places are usually along the base of the low volcanic mountain. On the side of this mountain about a mile in a northeasterly direction from town I was shown 3 curious mounds built of [[strikethrough]] a [[/strikethrough]] rough fragments of lava with a small amount of earth mixed in. These mounds were on a rough lava strewn hillside on a small branch. They were in a northerly and southerly line with the largest about 30-35 ft high at north then one about 18 or 20 ft and one about 9 or 10 ft. high in succession. They were about a half larger across [[strikethrough]] back [[/strikethrough]] base than their altitude. The rocks had been cleared away in a circle about 50 ft. broad around these mounds & the ground made very