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First Governors palace & romantic history

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and concealed. After an failing to find it the Formal offeredd  30000- for it but without success.

Among the interesting Buildings of the city is the ruin of the ancient palace of the governors. This site is now occupied by the "Meson de Medrano"

One of the first governors, Don Francisco Panja [[strikethrough]] wa [[/strikethrough]] had a beautiful daughter who loved a young man whose hopes the father refused to sanction & swore he would [[strikethrough]] not [[/strikethrough]] prevent the union. The young couple agreed upon an elopement.

One dark night he concealed horses near at hand and ascended to the bed chamber of the girl by means of a ladder which she had fastened to the [[strikethrough]] sill [[/strikethrough]] balcony. Before they had a chance to descend however, the girl's brother having heard some noise burst into the room sword in hand.

A duel on the spot followed between the two yg. men & the brother fell. At this the sister was filled with horror and refused to follow [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] the lover [[strikethrough]] said [[/strikethrough]] saying that her brother's blood lay between them forever. The unfortunate lover then fled by himself. The girl wild with