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Old names

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the terrible occurrences untied a rope from the ladder and hung herself from the balcony. 

The father was ill in bed and when he was told of the death of his two children he uttered a cry and fell back [[strikethrough]] dead [[/strikethrough]] lifeless. 

The following afternoon the remains of the father & children were buried in the same grave.

Thenceforth the Palacio de Medrano was looked upon with horror and [[strikethrough]] old men [[/strikethrough]] it was whispered about that the ghosts of the father & childrn had been seen there and the place was abandoned for a new building on the present site.

Among the odd signs one encounters here such as bear historical names are noticeable & one tells us that the sons of Ponce de Leon [[strikethrough]] announce themselves as [[/strikethrough]] are professors of dentistry, and Coates, Alvarado and Nunez are following more peaceful occupations than their epoch-making namesakes.

In the state of Jalisco in 1890-91 the state schools had 38130 children of both sexes  in 456 schools. Even