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Celaya (Guanajuato)

variety of other fruits. They are mainly small & of very poor quality since the fruits of the temperate zone require more care than they get here to give good results.

Sunday market in Celaya

The market here in Celaya is held in the open street about the principal church. Holes are made in wooden blocks which are set in the stone pavement & in these a wooden frame-work like a huge umbrella is raised & covered with cotton cloth and under this shade the venders of every imaginable thing squats - men, women & children and a ceaseless swarm of purchasers swarm back & forth buying & chaffering in a slow deliberate low-voiced manner over 3 or 6 cents worth of this or that. Women go about with little baskets buying 3 cents worth of meat, several kinds of vegatables in minute quantity for the same sum. 2 or 3 cents of bread & a few cents of bananas or other fruit and her day's marketing is done. Some women are doing a good business roasting