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along San Francisco St. extending west from the plaza.

Passing a railed enclosure at the edge of the plaza near the cathedral, I saw a beautiful showing of flowers, roses, tuberoses, hyacinths, gladioli, &c &c made up into great bouquets very temptingly arranged.  Mr. Pringle suggested that I price some of them, so I asked one of the Indian flower sellers how much he wanted for a large bouquet he had before him. "3 Reales, SeƱor" he replied.  I turned away, but before I got out of ear shot he had reduced the price to 2 & then to 1 Real & then asked what I would give

While a host of other bouquets were held up for me in bewildering array - as to a Prima Donna's first night - & at ridiculously low prices.
In the city of Mexico the number of fine-looking though small sized police-men seen is