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many, dancing women were seated at the back ready to join with whoever might come in dancing on the earthen floor to the music of a harp & one or two guitars.

In one booth a favorite dancer was a woman who glided about in time to the music with a bottle of beer balanced upon her head. Flaring torches and many lamps made this place bright at night and [[strikethrough]] the low place [[/strikethrough]] it was crowded until midnight with a host of the poorer classes who found great pleasure in these simple amusements. A considerable number of police men were scattered among the throng but I saw no trouble needing their interference in the many visits I made to the place.

Outside the booths there were many sellers of fruit and various kinds of cooked food, with a liberal sprinkling of men or women with a small table & dice box at which one could gamble a cent at a time, betting on the throw of the dice. Roulette, faro and monte were favorite games in the booths.