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him, & suddenly found my magazine empty by an unfortunate chance. 

I then mounted my mule & rode up toward the one I had shot.  As I came close to him he made several violent efforts & finally staggered to his feet and moved away at a slow trot showing a bullet hole in his shoulder [[strikethrough]] side [[/strikethrough]] just below the heart.  My mule refused to get out of a slow walk & so I was forced to see my prize vanish before my eyes & was unable to trail him later on when I had gone to camp & secured more cartridges.  A few days later I found a couple of does among the oaks on a hillside and taking my stand on a rocky point overlooking them sent my man around behind them.  They were some 300 yds from me & as my man drew near them they listened to him with upraised heads & when he was within about 30 steps among the dense brush they bounded away in my direction.  

Taking advantage of the openings, I broke one's fore-leg & she fell in the bushes at about 250 yards.  The other came on & I also broke its leg, but it kept on and finally