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so that this lake is of recent geological origin like those seen in Jalisco.  This is a very rich locality for the Genus Lepus as no less than 4 species occurring within a distance of 4 miles & a vertical range of 400 or 500 ft.

The Armadillo ranges up to 8500 ft. here and the "Coon" & "Possum" Lynx, Urocyon, Sperm, macroums, 2 species of Geomys sciurus & other mammals are more or less common.

The birds are still more varied & rich in unexpected forms.  In July I found 5 species of hummers among the pines with particular predliction for the flower-strewn basins of old craters among the forests [[strikethrough]] of pines [[/strikethrough]] *

*About the border of the lake at Patzcuaro the cattle make a practice of wading out in the shallow water to feed on lily pads & yg. shoots of rushes &c. & it is common to see several walking about feeding in this manner with the body entirely submerged & only the upper half of the outstretched head (nose & ears) above water.

Transcription Notes:
Have moved the * text to bottom of page as intended by the author