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Agreement with Freedom

This agreement made this 16th of August 1865 between A.J. Conaway of the County of Pontotoc and [strikethrough] State of Mississippi of the first part and the persons hereinafter named and undersigned Freedom of the Same place parties of the second part. Sarah and her three children and Louiza and her child. Witnesseth that for the purpose of cultivating the plantation Known as the farm of A. J. Conaway in the County and State aforesaid during] the year commencing on the 1st day of January 1865) and Terminating on the 1st day of January 1866) the Said A. J. Conaway party of the first part in consideration of the promises and condition hereinafter mentioned on the part of the parties of the second part agree to furnish to the said laborers and those rightfully dependent on them free of x color charge clothing and food of good quality and sufficient quantity