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Articl [[Article]] of agreement made and entered into this 4th day of Aug 1865 by and between A.P. Fisher of the first part, and the following named freedmen, [[Louis?]], Tom, Lydia & Mary. and five dependents of the second part, all of the county of Pontotoc & State of Miss.  Witnesseth, that the said party of the first part doth agree, for & in consideration of the promises hereinafter made and [[expressed?]] by the parties of the Second part, to feed sufficiently, & furnish each one [[suit?]] of good Winter clothes, & [[strikethrough]] one pair of shoes for [[/strikethrough]] four of them, one pair of shoes each and the said parties of the second part doth promise & agree to live, with said party of the first part until first day of January, eighteen hundred and sixty six and do all kind of work that is to be done on the farm or premises. and be subject to his order and direction, & said Tom further agrees to superintend & make his family do good work.  In Testimony whereof we herewith set our hands the day & date above written.  Executed in presence of} Wm. Norwood
              } Wm. T. Crawford
A.P. Fisher
Tom X his mark   age 45
Lydia X her mark age 38
Mary X her mark  age 16
Sarah            age 18
Alabama          age 10
John             age 7
Tom              age 3
Matt. six months old