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Agreement between Thomas M Topp  and his freed men and women for the year 1865. 
I, Thomas M. Topp of the County of Pontotoc and state of Mississippi for and in consideration of work on my plantation well and faithfully performed by the undersigned laborers, agree to continue the same rules as heretofore as regards medical treatment, hours of work, food and clothing and in addition hereto obligate myself to set aside one fifth of the years crops consisting of the corn, cotton, tobacco sorghum and sweet potatoes to be equitable distributed among the undersigned laborers. 
Thomas M. Topp [[strikethrough]]reserve strikethrough ends]] has the right to after reporting the nature of the offence to the nearest Pro Mar.Freedmen to summarily discharge without remuneration any of the signers of this paper who shall become unnecessarily refractory or indolent or leave the place [[strikethrough]] for more than 24 hours without permission. [[strikethrough ends]]
In testimony whereof we have severally signed our marks hereunto this 15th day of August 1865. 

[[left hand side]]
G. Wallears
John A. Fife
[[/left hand side]]

[[right hand side]]
T.M. Topp
Henry X his mark

Warren X his mark

Eliza X her mark

Lucy X her mark

Dez X her mark
[[/right hand side]]

[[sideways across middle body of document]]

C.P. Bennett
Ast Pro Mar Freedmen



Transcription Notes:
Topp is the only name in the Pontotoc slaveholder list that matches