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Laborer shall absent himself from or neglect or refuse to perform the labor herin [[herein]] promised and the fact shall be proven to the satisfaction of the proper officer of the party so offending shall be punished in such manner as the Provost Marshal shall deem proper. 
In testimony whereof the said parties have affixed their named to this agreement in the county of Pontotoc and State of Mississippi on the day and date aforesaid
L.S. McGee
[[strikethrough]] Edmond his mark [[/strikethrough]]
Warren his mark
Dicy her x mark for self & five children

[[4 columned table]]
| Names | Age | No of Dependence [[Dependents]] | Remarks |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
|Edmond | 24 |   | Refuses to contract on any terms |
| Warren | 22 |   |   |
| Dicy | 46 |   |   |
| Ruben | 18 |   |   |
| Andy | 16 |   |   |
| Jane | 13 |   |   |
| Nathan | 10 | 1 |   |
| Hariett | 7 | 1 |   |
[[/4 columned table]]

Executed in presence of
Samuel Scott
William Scott

[[right margin inverted]]
L.S. McGee
Contract approved
J.M. Buel Lt 12th Ind Cav.
and Sub Com Freedmen
Bureau Oct 12th 1865
No 233
Paid 1 00
[[/right margin inverted]]

[[right margin]]
Mrs Magee
[[/right margin]]

Transcription Notes:
Edited. The fee for this transaction was $1.00, not $100. Seen in many of the images.