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Agreement made the 10th day of August 1865 between Stephen Terry and the undersigned Freedmen of the county of hinds and State of Mississippi
1st The said Terry did agree on our about the first day of June last, with the undersigned Freedmen as follows (to wit), that he the said Terry do hereby agree to furnish to the undersigned freedmen one field of forty acres more or less and to cultivate the same in corn for which the undersigned Freedmen is to receive for their service rendered on the farm of said Terry two thirds of proceeds of the crop raised on said field or forty acres of land 
And the said Terry do further agree to give to said freedmen one half of the proceeds of three acres of land planted in sweet potatoes vines. Now we the undersigned Freedmen in consideration of the aforesaid contract, do hereby agree to labour as we have done heretofore on the farm of said Terry until the 25th day of december next, and furnish our cloathing. 
Given under our hands & seals the day & year aforesaid in the presence of 
J. Rich Coleman
Geo. R. Benson

Stephen Terry (Seal)

Jack X  (Seal)
Elbert X  (Seal)
Amy X  (Seal)
Edmon X  (Seal)
Harry X  (Seal)
Patsey X  (Seal)
Dan X  (Seal)

Transcription Notes:
cloathing - clothing