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such labor as the said McGraw may require of them for the time aforesaid not exceeding ten hours per day in summer and nine hours in winter and in every respect be dutiful and faithful servants; and in case any laborer shall voluntarily absent himself or shall neglect or refuse to perform the labor herein promised and the fact shall be proven to the satisfaction of the proper officer the party so offending shall be punished in such manner as the Provost Marshall of Freedmen shall deem proper. 

In testimony wherof the said parties have affixed their names to this agreement at said plantation Hinds County State of Mississippi on the day and date aforesaid
H. McGraw
[[3 column table]]
| Names | age | sex |
| Elias his X mark McGraw | 50 | male |
| Jane her X mark | 46 | female |
| Catharine X Dawson | 25 | female |
| Talula her X mark | 27 | female |
| Cornelius his X mark McGraw | 19 | male |
| Isaah his X mark | McGraw | 17 | male
| Barnabas his X mark McGraw | 12 | male |
| Lavenia her X mark McGraw | 14 | female |
| Washington X Dawson | 19 | male |
| Dependants |  |  |
| Mary McGraw | 11 | female |
| Charlotte McGraw | 9 | female |
| Nora McGraw | 5 | female |
| Absalom McGraw | 6 | male |
| Ema McGraw | 4 | female |
| Leanna McGraw | 5 | female |

Executed in the presence of 
Jo. Bybee
W A Dawson