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by him or shall furnish said party of the 2d part with insufficient food or clothing or be guilty of cruelty to them he shall besides the legal recorse left to the party or partys aggreved render their contract liable to annulment by the Provost Marshal of Freedmen.

and it is agreed on the part of the part of the 2d part that they will each will and faithfully perform such labor as the said Turner W. Willson may requier of them for the time afoursaid not exceeding ten hours per day in summer and nine hours in winter and in case any laborer shall voluntarry absent themselves from or shall neglect or refuse to perform the labor herein promesed and the facts shall be proven to the satisfaction of the proper officer, he party so offending shall be puneshed in such manner as the Provost Marshal of Freedmen shall deem proper. It is Further agreed that any Wagers [[wages]] or share of profits due the said laborers under this agreement shall constitute a first lien upon all crops or parts of crops produced on said plantation or tract of Land by their labor, and no shipment of produce shall be made untill the provost Marshal of Freed men shall certify that all dues to said laborers are paid or satisfatorily aranged.  
T W Wilson