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In Testimony Whereof, The said parties have affixed their names to this agreement, at D Touchstone County, State of Mississippi, on the day and date aforesaid.

[[four columned table]]
|John his x| 22 | Male | To feed and clothe them till the first of Jan 1866 
|Joe his x| 16 | Male | To feed and clothe them till the first of Jan 1866 
|Alfred his x| 16 | Male | To feed and clothe them till the first of Jan 1866 
|Cindey her x| 20 | Female | To feed and clothe them till the first of Jan 1866 
|[[strike]] Emaline her [[/strike]]| 18 | Female | To feed and clothe them till the first of Jan 1866 
|Amey her x| 42 | Female | To feed and clothe them till the first of Jan 1866 

[[four columned table]]
|Tiner| 9 | Female 
|Edward| 5 | Male
|Herod 4 mo|  | Male

Executed In Presence Of
J.C. Touchstone
H.C. Hilton