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said Ervin & the gathering & preservation thereof. To do & perform all labor necessary for the use & benefits of said farm. To take proper care of all tools intrusted to them, Also to take proper care of all stock of the said farm & also to perform any duty devolving on them as true & faithful laborers as witness our hands and seals this 18th August 1865

[[two columns side by side]]

Elias x his mark     |Bina x her mark
Beckey x her mark    |Flander x his mark
Ellick x his mark    |Cato x his mark
Nathan x his mark    |Finny Left
Calvin x his mark    |Abigail Left
Anny x her mark      |Amos Left
Chaney x her mark    |Louisa Left
Nancy x her mark     |Frances Left
Norah child          |Sally Left
Brown x his mark     |B. Mary Left
Eliza x her mark     |L. Mary Left
Catherine x her mark |Dick Left
George x his mark    |Margaret Left
Jane x her mark      |Sam Left
Henry x his mark     |
Minto x his mark    |
Sarah her x mark Has five small children & agrees to stay for her food & clothing for herself & family               |
Frederick Left       |
Dann x his mark      |
Harriett x her mark  |
Rose invalid         |
Letty x her mark     |
Sharlott her x mark Has three children & agrees to stay for food & clothing for self & family
Clarisa x her mark   |

E.A. Ervin

We the undersigned witnesses do hereby certify that the above contract between E.A. Ervin & the laborers contained in the anexed list was made & agreed to in our presence & executed as above
H.S. Potts
P.C. Hairston