Viewing page 258 of 300

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[[4 columned table]]
|Names.|Age.|No. of D pendents.|Remarks.|
|Robert X|32|   | both legs sore from varicose veins, Totally unfit for field service |
|Delia X|27|   |Cook|
|Henry}|12|   |   |
|Green} |9|   |   |
|Blake}|5|5|Children of Robert & Delia|
|Franky}|4|   |   |
|Emily}|9 months|   |   |
|Minny X|27|   |Field hand,  Good|
|Edmond}|   |   |   |
|Joe}| |2|Children of Minny|
|Lucinda X|19|   | Field hand,  Tolerable|
|Ellen X|17|   |House girl|
|Washington X|15|   |Field hand  Inferior|
[[/4 columned table]]

Executed in Presence of  A B, Sturdivant
Ephrain Leech

[[left margin]]
Sturdivant A.B.
Aug. 14" 1865
[[/left margin]]