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THIS AGREEMENT, made this 14th day of Aug A.D., 1865, by and between Mr L E Miller of the Hinds County and State of Mississippi, of the first part, and the persons hereinafter named and undersigned, Freedmen of the same place, part hereto of the second part [[blank]]

WITNESSETH, That for the purpose of cultivating the plantation known as the Miller Plantation in the County aforesaid, during the year commencing on the First day of January A.D. 1865, and terminating on the first day of January, 1866. The said L E Miller party of the first part, in consideration of the promises and conditions hereinafter mentioned  on the part of the part of the second part, agrees to furnish to the said laborers and those rightfully dependent upon them, free of charge, clothing and food of good quality and sufficient quantity; good and sufficient quarters; medical attendance when necessary, and kind and humane treatment; to allot from the lands of said plantation, for garden purposes, one acre to each family; such allotment to include a reasonable use of tools and animals for the cultivation of the same; to exact only one half a day's labor on Saturdays, and none whatever on Sundays. except such labor as may be necessary to repair fencing damaged by the wind, water or stock & to prepare the cooking for family & feeding of animals kept up I give them one fourth of corn crop for their full services for this year

AND IT IS FURTHER AGREED, That in case the said Mr L E Miller shall fail, neglect, or refuse to fulfill any of the obligations assumed by The Laborers or shall furnish said party of the second part with insufficient food or clothing, or be guilty of cruelty to them he shall, besides the legal recourse left to the party or parties aggrieved, render this contract liable to annulment by the Provost Marshal of Freedmen. And it is agreed on the part of the party of the second part that they will each well and faithfully perform such labor as the said Mr L E Miller may require of them for the time aforesaid, not exceeding ten hours per day in summer and nine hours in winter, and in case any laborer shall voluntarily absent him or herself from, or shall neglect, or refuse to perform the labor herein promised, and the fact shall be proven to the satisfaction of the proper officer, the party so offending shall be punished in such manner as the Provost Marshal of Freedmen shall deem proper. 

IT IS FURTHER AGREED, That any wages or share of profits due the said laborers under this agreement, shall constitute a first lien  [strikethrough] upon all crops or parts [/strikethrough] of crops produced on said plantation this year, or tract of land by their labor. And no shipments of products shall be made until the Provost Marshal of Freedmen shall certify that all dues to said laborers are paid or satisfactorily arranged.

L. E. Miller

And if any laborer absents himself from plantation permanintly he forfeits his right to free clothing &c 

Transcription Notes:
Not sure what to make of the symbols at the bottom of the page or the space left blank at the bottom of the first paragraph.