Viewing page 297 of 300

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[[5 columned table]]
|[[strikethrough]] Mary [[/strikethrough]] her mark|28|Female|   |annulled|
|Lucy her x mark Burns|30|Female|    |20 bu corn|
|Jane her x mark Bartlett|30|Female|    |20 bu corn|
|Mary her x mark Bunch|23|Female|    |10 bu corn|
|Nancy her x mark Mooney|23|Female|    |15 bu corn|
|Becky her x mark Burns|20|Female|    |20 bu corn|
|Luezer her x mark Burns 37|Female|    |none|
|Lueaney her x mark Miller|30|Female|    |none|
|Ellender her x mark Burns|13|Female|    |15 bu corn|
[[/5 columned table]]

[[margin note 1]]
[[margin note 2]]

[[5 columned table]]
|[[strikethrough]] [[illegible]] [[/strikethrough]]|12|Female|Jim | 5 |
|Sarah | 10 |Female| [[strikethrough]] Hugh [[/strikethrough]] | 6 |  
|[[strikethrough]] Sylva [[/strikethrough]]|9|Female|Carey |2|
|[[strikethrough]] May [[/strikethrough]] | 10 | Female | John | 5mo |
|Cornelia|6|Female|[[strikethrough]] Will [[/strikethrough]]|2|
|Diley|8|Female|Virgil|1 1/2|
|Adaline|5|Female|Old Abe|75|
|Fillis|5|Female|Old Becky|65|
|Allice|1 1/2|Female|   |   |
|Phoebe|6 mo|Female|   |   |
|Cebus|9|Male|   |   |
|Meadison|9|Male|   |   |
[[/5 columned table]]

Executed in Presence of 
CR Wells
W.C. Wells

[[margin note 1]] No. 11  Actg Provost Marshals Office Raymond Miss Aug 10, 1865
[[/margin note 1]]

[[margin note 2]]
Approved  P S Jacob 1" Lt. 50th U.S. Cold Infty and Actg Provost Marshall of Freedmen
[[/margin note 2]]

Transcription Notes:
female ditto continued from previous page