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Memorandum of an agreement made this 10th. day of September,1865, between Miss Margaret Walker, of
first part county of Yazoo, State of Miss. and Freedman, of Second part county of Yazoo State of Miss.

Witnesseth, That said Miss. Margaret Walker, for the consideration hereinafter mentioned, agrees to furnish Board, Clothes & Medical attendance and Forty Bushels corn each to remain until 1st January 1866. & to have 1/2 of each Saturday and Sunday for themselves and not in anyway mistreat said Freedmen.

And the said Freedmen, for the consideration to before mentioned agrees to remain with said Ms. Margret Walker for the remainder of the year 1865 -
[[two column table]]
|   |age|
|Ben his x mark Walker| 32|
|Henry hia z mark Walker| 35|
|Abner his x mark Walker| 50|
|George his x mark Walker| 25|
|Lovey her x mark Walker| 20 to receive 4 dollars [[? ? ?]] of the cvorn
[[/four column table]]

Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of}
W. J. Cowan}
W. H. Tatterson}

Margret Walker [L.S.]
      , [L.S.]

CR Foster 1st Lt
&Sub Com F Bureau
Yazoo Co Miss.