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$5 00 (Five Dollars) per month, to be paid in the products of said plantation at the maket [[market]] value of the same at the time of delivery.

It is further agreed that the Freedmen, parties of the second part, shall work dilligently [[diligently]], faithfully, and industriously in gathering the crop now on hand, without regard to hollidays [[holidays]] (Sundy [[Sunday]] excepted) except such as the said Jas. M. Keeble (agent) party of the first part shall feel inclined to allow, and that shall perform such other duties as in the judgement of the said Jas. M. Keeble party of the first part the necessities of the said Trio plantation may require

In the event that any of the undersigned Freedmen, parties of the second part, shall at any time voluntarily absent himself from the premises of the said "Trio" plantation, or shall neglect, or refuse to perform the labor herein promised, and the fact shall be proven to the satisfaction of the proper officer, it shall render the contract on the part of the party or parties so offending liable to annulment by the Provost Marshall of Freedmen. It is further agreed that the said Jas. M. Keeble party of the first part shall furnish to each and all of the Freedmen of the said "Trio" plantation sufficient and wholesome food from the date of this agreement to the 1st day of November A.D. 1865.

James. M. Keeble Agent
for Doctor James Maney

Elijah Bailey his X mark
Twenty three other hands
With the consent and for all the other hands.
[[margin note 1]]

Witness J.T. Lester}
C.R. St Clair}

[[margin note 1]] Settled November 1st 1865  John W

Transcription Notes:
Unable to read the word before November on the signature section and there is light writing under that word that appears to be John W.? removed [[sic]], per SI instructions