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This agreement made and entered into this 4th day of Sept 1865 by & between N. Bunikly of Franklin County of the first part & the undersigned freedmen of the second part witnesseth that whereas the said parties of the second part are desirous of remaining on the plantation of the said party of the first part during the remainder of the year 1865, and agree on their part to be obedient docile and orderly and to perform reasonable labor, in consideration thereof the said party of the first part, doth hereby agree, and bind himself to furnish the said party of the second part with a sufficiency of wholesome food, good clothes medical attendance when necessary & comfortable quarters, until the 1st Jany, 1866 and to pay their task for the current year.

In witness where of the said parties have hereto set their names or marks

[[left bottom]]
Witness N L Henff   
Attest  George Garvee  
L Gardner   
[[/left bottom]]

[[right bottom]]
Joseph his mark
Molly her mark X
George his mark X
Nancy her mark X
Henderson his mark X
Peter his mark X
Caleb his mark X
Mary her mark X
Niny her mark X
Ameliah her mark X
Nancy her mark X
[[/right bottom]]