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[[ 5 Columned Table ]]

| Edmond | 35 | Male | 1 | Sixty Dollars to be paid Dec 25th 1865 |
| Caroline | 35 | Female | 1 | Fifteen  "  "  "  " Jany 1st 1866 |
| Charles | 17| Male | 2 | Fifteen  "  "  "  "  Dec 1st 1865 |
| Courtney | 15 | Female | 2 | Fifteen  "  "  "  "  Jany 1st 1866 |
| Sarah | 28 | do {Female} | 2 | Twenty "  "  "  "  "  "  " |
| Matilda | 24 | do {Female}| 1 | Eight "  "  "  "  "  "  "  |
| Edith | 18 | do {Female} | 1 | Twenty  "  "  "  "  "  "  " |
| Greene[[?]] | 16 | Male | 2 | Seventeen  "  "  "  "  "  "  " |

6  Six Boys
7  Seven Girls

(Singned) Levy [[Bacul?]]

H.A. Ewring
Capt. and Provost Martial of Freedmen
Pike County Mississippi

Transcription Notes:
Looks like "do" is used as a "ditto" for these tables.