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I was glad for she does not go much. her feet + legs bother her so. I went up through the fields Georges pond is very low, the berries  are coming along good + will be ripe in two or more weeks. black berries are very thick up there, + the bushes were full of green ones, I hope to get a whack at them later on. Pa was reading where Mrs Toomey’s brother Redmond Barret, when he died, over to her house this summer. he left her all his property, which amounted to twelve thousand dollars. and she has deaded their home place to Mary Toomey. on record, so it must be correct. abou Lena she did not mention any of her plans to us. but says that Miss Garland + she quarrel over everything. + Mrs. Andrews is anxious for her to come out there but that she does not seem inclined to go. John Hollis is in the hospital for hernius [[?]] + takeing out his appendix, but he will be able to go up to their camp with the family, in a week or so, the time set for them to go. I guess Lena will stay where she is at present. so to be with in call of Dr. Ott. she likes Mrs. Pettengill they are nice people she thinks. I had a nice visit from her, but it was so hot, at that time, I was satisfied to have her go back. Ma