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little jays were taken down to the lower end of the grove you see a whole colony of them where ever you go through. I went over to the barn last night & Rache was over in their back yard so I called over there and visited her a while in their garden, pretty soon Elisabeth came out to show me her baby, she is very tall & slim - like her father, she was in her mothers arms & seemed very good natured. I asked about Amy. she is coming home in august, so you may see each other. This a beautif cool sunny day since the rain of last night.
Stanley Loring seems to be getting his stuff ready to move out, their  "to let" signs are up in the windows. she always did all the heavy packing up, he has had plenty of chances to miss her we think. it does not seem exactly right to have her taken. she was so needed in the home. 
I have just come in from the pasture where I have got enough low blues, for a saucer pie, for our supper, I mixed up a batch bread this morning, & made a rhubarb pie & some cup cakes. so now I will bake the rest, when I get dinner. it seems good to get on to home made bread, after a diet of bakers stuff well I hope to hear that Eleanor can swim & that the little one can go alone & has cut her tooth Ma.