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[16 June 1929]


I was at the bank the last [[th??ty]]
last night to see Ralph and so was
Fred to find out all we could and see
the Memo's he was to leave for us to
work by he had been lucky to get
all the transfers put through so we
could have the figures for our drafts to
be given to the borrowers as they come
due he is to go to Ken's I think he
said them for there over the [[Canadian??]] northern
he said he had been so busy he had
not had time to write Sid but would
drop a line as he went along [[??]] would
write me if he had forgot any thing
abut the bank work, it has been
a busy week, we were at Glen Ehre
and will go again tomorrow as it is a
Holiday around Boston some we could not
find may come out we are about ready to
put our cards in shops for the big Book
we put the figures on the cards for
statemets given us our own judgemets find