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Stoughton June 16th 1929

Dear Doris-
We are having dry weather, all the showers go around us and it is a hot sun overhead, I have lugged water for our garden all the morning and some last night but the dirt is just like an ashlapa. I hope it rains soon our tomatoes are blossoming and lettuce is growing. I planted another batch and that is also up, there are summer squashes we counted six we only planted one hill. George M. Garvey always says help your self to his and he has enough to supply the whole town, he's a good farmer.
Will Gertrudes funeral has cast a gloom over the whole town, learning there little ones and a sick household, Stanley wanders around over here twice and seems so nervous, she meant a great deal to him in his helpless condition. The Rings went over with me to the funeral, they feel bad for them all. She was layed out and rested amid a bank of flower, with an electric light shining just over her face, I suppose so to give her a hint of color, not the pink shade. She looks so peaceful.The Loure's are ideal in their undertaking work, we see a difference in the ones who are brought here from other places. Millikens was a poor job. Charles was terrible poor. Emma Swan not good. Loures have got it down fine, they are perfect and must be making money these days. Wally Wells dropped dead yesterday afternoon. (Eleanors father). Well Mrs. Blake had him call me up to see