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Stoughton June 9th 1929

Dear Doris.

I have been doing my regular Sunday work & now after sweeping up the ranch, I will rest up a bit & get this letter off my mind. I went down to aunt sues, & so read them your letter, Percy was up stairs asleep, & hearing us laugh, came down to see what the fun was about, I had to read him the letter of course. & then Sue told him the story, about George Gill, what he would do if the "praying band" of young Thelogues, chased him up into the corner of the pew & told him "the devil was after him. I guess you have heard me tell it, & know the reply. Alice thought it good enough. We are still having cool weather the wind is NE so I guess we won't sweat much to day. I have just picked a big bunch of seringa, & the room is pretty sickish with its perfume but out of doors its all right. Our birds are hatching the robin has one little warm downy baby & I dont know but more by now. Then the jay is on the nest setting & the cat bird in the clump of forsythia back of the house. I dont pretend to go out of the front door for the robin flies off before I can get the door open she is so scart [[scared]].