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Friday afternoon we had a tempest. it had been sultry all day, but we got more rain than thunder & lightning. I had just finished setting out the last of my tomatoes. so it came just right for me. we have got an awful lot of tomatoes this year & hope they do better than last I had none to put up for winter. they were late, & did not ripen good. too rainy a season. I care the most for them, of any vegetable. I have been over to see Mrs Blake she has made up her mind to go down to the shore with the Clarks in another week. she told me that Hattie Ripley hired a room of Lilly Drake & she had all of Mrs George Wales clothes. they just fitted her. she must get outside help from some quarter. she tried here, but they told her she had lived in Boston too long. We are getting awful nice creamy milk of Frank Monk now & there is good cream on it too. We dont care for pasterized stuff. straight from the cow is good enough. we are old fashioned in our likes some of them. I suppose Eleanor has seen lots of things in Washington by this time, & she is used to the old bumpy roads, I guess though the new car rides easier hope so. glad you were lucky to get Eleanor & hope she will stay Ma