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Stoughton June 6th 1929 

Dear Doris, 

The day is cool & pleasant we are in need of rain, but things are still coming ahead fast. Our wegelias [[weigelas]] are in bloom and the seringas [[syringas]] are coming also. iris are out in great profusion, even those that were moved last year, for to make room for the little building. I was setting out my tomatoes yesterday, over forty plants. Pa had prepared the ground for them by spading up & raking in the fertilizer, but even so, it was a hard job as my muscles are not as good as they used to be, & getting up & down so much is not at all easy. but I enjoyed doing it just the same. as I had just got through & was coming into the house who should I see come in the door yard but Mrs Churchill, but I was not surprised at all, she came to tell me that Ednas husband was to be brought here to be buried & she was coming alone with the body. it seems too sad to lose so young a man & it was caused by a