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decayed tooth. I dont known what the Griffins will do now, as they sold out all their furniture. pretty hard for them all. he may have had a life insurance, hope he did. she may have to go back to teaching if she is able, they say she is all broken up now. I went down to Sues yesterday to let them see the babies pictures, and read them the letter they seemed pleased to know that Eleanor was taking hold so handily. by the way Dr Shores called on me Monday afternoon. she wanted to hear all about you. she had called on Mrs Blake and she had asked her about getting into the Chelsco home. it seemes she is getting sick of staying where she is now. Sue said Mrs Sprague, who is making a dress for Maude told her, that it was undecided about her going to Coltage City, that they were anxious to have her go but dared not urge her for fear she might throw up her head, if they said too much. Ralph's family are going next week and Ruthie is coming in to help out in the bank and Aunt Mollie and husband are coming home with them we hear. The Babies pictures were fine [[?]]. She has grown to look more like Sid a real Blake baby. 
