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Stoughton June 2nd 1929

Dear Doris

This is a cool morning after a hot spell of weather, which lasted all the week till Friday night. when the wind blew from the NW so strong. that by bed time we were for getting warmer clothing on after sweating so long. Alice came over from Sewalls, just as I was getting dinner Friday noon. & she stayed the day out + went back to Avon about four O'clock. I had a good visit with her. she told me all about Gladys. it seems the old lady died, mother to her beau, their name is Coolidge. & is one of the same branch of our Ex Presidents race & while riding they called on him, & he said he acknowledged them as such, after interviewing their mother they thought it could not be but he was positive it was, they were decendents of the one who settled in Somerville. Gladys said their father resembled the president. she thought very much. Well they are both gone Father