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Alice thinks now their marriage will be soon, as. their is just this son & sister, in the family left. they seem to be fond of Glady, she was there with the mother when she was taken. When they found her setting at the phone, dead, she telephoned for Florence to come home quick she was dying. I hope by now you are getting used to Eleanor & the baby is getting more acquainted so she can be left without any trouble. Arthur told Percy we got a letter & that she got there all right. I am glad there is one neighbor near you can have to call on, its much pleasanter I guess. we stayed at home decoration day it seemed too warm to move around any. no decorating. no nothing. a lonesome day. was glad when it was over, we are full of vim since it come cool. I couldnt work enough yesterday. I have all my garden arranged, flowers in their beds even those seeds you sent me are coming up. I planted lettuce seed today your lettuce didnt come up. but I have a full package Pa brought home & I planted all of it, so there will be enough. Pa never eats lettuce Ma