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PS Percey said to Pa Eleanor was lucky to get such a job he meant. I hope she will stay + you will like each other too Ma

Stoughton May 28 1929

Dear Doris 
         Your bundle + letter came at the same time. I have been putting out my geraniums in the beds, as I was anxious to get them in before decoration day. but I saved out a few that were in bloom, for Pa sometimes uses them to help out when the others are scarce. but I guess we have enough as the lilacks [[lilacs]] are hanging on well some of them, then the snowballs are full + the spirea + also the pink bush + some of the roses are out on the hugonis + hedghog [[hedgehog]] bushes. Well Percy brought Eleanor down to the store. So Pa saw her, they motered [[motored]] down here Sunday + got to Percies late at night. Sue said + I hope she arrived safe for your house, a pity there is not more time to get used to things, but trust it may be sufficient for you all. This is the hottest day yet, it is 85 degrees right here in this corner, but there is some air. a good day for tempests to work up later on. I have taken off my blankets to day. + mean to put them away when I get them sunned + aired they are on the line to day. I washed one pair as we had sleped [[slept]] in them + last night was