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P.S. I think this is the beginning of our May storm it feels like it to me Ma.

Stoughton May 19th 1929

This is a stormy Sunday morning. We are warm, & the paper tells about the wind changing to the north & it being cold later on. it has been cool for the most part all this week. I have planted seeds & some little velvet marigold seed that I planted last week, are up. I was glad to get those big ones, that you sent in your letter. I planted them right away & hope they come up also. Our butter cup bushes this year are blossomed full & are handsome. The season is forward after all, on account of so many rains. everything, we are afraid, will be gone by before decoration the snow ball bushes are loaded with buds & our iris is just showing buds. The hugonis roses will be out in a day or two. Mrs Churchill got a letter last week from Mrs Griffin, & came up here to read it to me. she wrote that Mr Smith was home & had been gaining a little, but for the last few weeks had grown worse, toeksin [[toxin]] poisoning they call it. he is too weak for an operation so I guess it is a poor show for his being any better.