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She wrote about its being terrible hot down there. I guess they are feeling pretty discouraged about him. too bad I dont know what they are going to do. Alice called up yesterday & said she had just got a letter from Eleanor saying she was going down to your place, & her mother wouldn't stand in her way. poor little girl, no one has made anything of her, since she was born, but she may turn out all the better in the end. these dresses Lena left from her "tea room" adventure, I must take down to Sues, as she is coming here to start off with. Alice says her letter said the 21st she was to go, but she said it might have been 27th she wrote it in a hurry. Alice is tickled pink. she is used to babies & loves them very much. but I hope she dont get homesick, its so much of a change, & she will be all alone except for the little dog all day. Our robin has forsaken her nest on the front porch after getting it about half done. I am glad because it was too near - for coming & going I use the front way a lot. George McGarvey was telling me about his tame crows and he said he sometimes though [[thought]] he would get some more I said Oh Thunder & he laughed & said he guessed for the neighers [[neighbors]] sake he better not Pa said Richard would answer for one neighborhood he thought Ma.