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Stoughton May 15th 1929

Dear Doris,

After a rainy night, the sun is again making its appearance. at 9 O'clock I am writing this letter expecting to have Pa carry it down to the mail this noon, The trees all but the oaks, are very much leaved out & as I sit here in the back room up beside Lena's trunks, I can hardly see the old Places or Trollops, on account of their foliage. Our apple trees are full of their blossoms & the air is very fragrant with the same. I have begun to plant my seeds, the gladiolas & also dahlias are in the ground. I have planted all of my oriental poppies in a box up in this little unfinished chamber. the chimney warms the room, also the sun heats the roof, & the two together, make it an ideal place for seeds to sprout in. This is an interesting time to watch nature. the birds are all busy building their little nests, you see the robins trying different places, & then the next day you find them building where you least expect them. one now after starting